Archive | January 2015

So…apparently I forgot about a couple of kids

I was going through my saved sims on my desktop and noticed a couple of unfamiliar Sims with the last name of Queen.  I must have had Elena have kids with the last man featured on this blog and completely forgotten about them.  So here’s a very late peek.




😛 Those poor things have been sitting on my hard drive for a year.

Also, I just looked in my saved media on this blog and I only have a picture of Misty…oops.

In related news, I bought University Life and Into the Future with Christmas money and plan to get Generations too, so more of that stuff will be showing up in the story I’m sure. Which reminds me, I really must get Elena together with a mermaid since I have Island Paradise.

All this is to say I’ll probably be starting up the BC again soon. 🙂